11866478_10207732771856132_8406140905659517788_n 11822510_10207733240267842_7721370472222509533_n

You have found the ULTIMATE slouch! You can work this in one solid or veregated yarn or two separate colors.

You will need:
2 colors Hobby Lobby “I Love This Yarn”
Yarn Needle
Stitch Marker (This is worked in a continuous round)
J 6.00mm Hook
H 5.00mm Hook
G 4.5mm (for adults) or F (for children) 4.00mm Hook

Stitches you need to know:
HDC-Half Double Crochet
SC-Single Crochet
HDC DEC-Half Double Crochet Decrease
MR/C-Magic Ring/Circle

Let’s get started!

Round 1: Make MR/C, work 10 HDC in circle (10)
Round 2: Work 2 HDC in each HDC around (20)
Round 3: Work 1 HDC in first stitch, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (30)
Round 4: Work 1 HDC in each HDC around (30)
Round 5: Work 1 HDC in first 2 stitches, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (40)
Round 6: Work 1 HDC in first 3 stitches, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (50)
Round 7: Work 1 HDC in each HDC around (50)
Round 8: Work 1 HDC in first 4 stitches, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (60)
Round 9: Work 1 HDC in first 5 stitches, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (70)
Round 10: Work 1 HDC in first 6 stitches, work 2 HDC in next stitch, repeat around (80)

Change color and switch to H hook.

Round 11: Work 1 HDC in each st around (80)
Round 12: Work 1 HDC in first 2 stitches, work 1 HDC DEC over next two stitches, repeat around (60)
Rounds 13-18: Work 1 HDC in each HDC around (60)

Change Color

Rounds 19-20: Work 1 HDC in each HDC around (60)

Change Color and switch to G hook for an adult hat, or F hook for a child’s hat

Rounds 21-23: Work 1 SC in each stitch around

Change Color

Rounds 24-26: Work 1 SC in each stitch around

Change Color

Round 27: Work 1 SC in each stitch around

Finish off and weave in ends.

If you make a hat from this pattern, I would love to see your photos.
You may sell any items made from this pattern. You may not redistribute it as your own or sell the pattern. Feel free to share!