beanie  11896008_10207737226367492_581310998177838374_n 11816820_10207716471208626_5860562358945936610_n 11828837_10207693821162389_1125654292240562013_n 11825883_10207664211702171_6025648246075001605_n 11825713_10207693820202365_5937146361400623743_n 11214245_10207703015752248_5497685024754483037_n

For this beanie, I used I Love This Yarn from Hobby Lobby. You can use any worsted weight yarn. This was for a cancer patient, so I used Hobby Lobby’s yarn for softness.

You will need:
Yarn Needle
Adult: Sizes H (5.00mm) and G (4.5mm) hooks
Child: Sizes G (4.5mm) and F (4.00mm) hooks

Stitches you need to know:
SC-Single Crochet
HDC-Half Double Crochet

You can do any number of color combinations you would like, or just a solid color. Above are photos of the different styles this hat can look like.

Let’s begin!

Using an H hook for adult, or G for child: Make a magic circle/ring. Work 10 HDC in ring. You will work in a continuous round.
Round 1: Work 2 HDC in each HDC of each stitch around. (20)
Round 2: Work 1 HDC in each HDC of each stitch around. (20)
Round 3: Work 2 HDC in each HDC of each stitch around. (40)
Round 4: Work 1 HDC in first stitch, then 2 HDC in next stitch. Repeat around. (60)
Rounds 5-15: Work 1 HDC in each stitch around. (60)

Switch to G hook for adult, or F hook for child.

Rounds 16-21: Work 1 SC in each stitch around. Fasten off and weave in ends.