
It is becoming winter here in Ohio, USA. I made fingerless mittens for a friend of mine and then a pair for myself! So I used the basics of the wrist and thumb techniques and created my own super duper warm mittens!


You will need to know a few stitches:

sl-slip stitch

dc-double crochet

fpdc-front post double crochet

bpdc-back post double crochet

sc-single crochet

chainless foundation double crochet



Items you will need:

worsted weight #4 yarn

darning or yarn needle


H 8 crochet hook


note:ch2 does count as a st throughout.


Let’s get stared so you can stay warm and toasty this winter!

Row 1-Using your H hook, make 24 chain less foundation double crochets. Your beginning ch sts will count as your first st. Sl to top of ch 3 without turning. (You will sew the space together later. Or you may do it now if you wish.) You will now begin working in rounds throughout the rest of your mitten.

Round 2-8: ch 2 fpdc in each st around. Sl to ch2.

Round 9: ch 2. work 2 fpdc in first st, then work 1 fpdc in next 2 sts (this is the only increasing round) sl to ch2.

Round 10-15: ch 2. Work 1 fpdc in first st. Then 1 bpdc in next st. Repeat around. Sl to ch2.

Round 16: ch 3. Skip next 4 sts, work 1 fpdc in 5th st. (This makes the thumb hole. Work 1 bpdc in next st. Repeat fp and bpdc around in appropriate stitches.

Round 17: Sl into 2nd ch of ch 3. Ch 2. Work 1 Dc in 3rd ch of ch 3. Work fp/bpdc around as normal.

Round 18-27: ch 2. Work fp/bpdc around as normal.

fasten off and leave long tail.



attach yarn to any stitch in the hole opening.

round 1-3: ch2. Dc in each st around. Join with sl to top of ch 2.

round 4: ch 1. Dc in first st. Sc in next st. Repeat dc, sc around. Join to ch1.

fasten off and leave tail for sewing.

Now, where you left a tail, use your needle to weave your yarn in and out of each top st around the top of your mitten, and pull tightly until your mitten is securely closed. Now weave a knot in the top. Then weave your yarn through the top so it will not come loose. Repeat this with your thumb.


Enjoy your mittens! I would love to see pictures!

you may sell these mittens. You may not sell the pattern. Thank you.